For Women’s History Month, we’re partnering with over 30 neighborhood organizations from across NYC on the #SmallBusinessWonderWomen campaign. We’re sharing the wonderful women behind the businesses that make NoHo a special place. Every woman was asked to share what makes them a small business wonder woman and why they chose to make NoHo their home.
“In my exhibition program, I am committed to presenting work by under-recognized women artists of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries who have been overlooked in the past. My project, 11 Women of Spirit, is a satellite fair to the Armory Show and Frieze art fairs in New York. This initiative offers contemporary women artists a platform to present their work and meet art-lovers and collectors directly. I love my space in NoHo, because it was previously the studio of sculptor Joel Shapiro, and has the feeling of many downtown art spaces of the sixties, seventies and eighties when SoHo was New York’s premiere gallery neighborhood. This makes it a perfect setting for many works I exhibit from that period.”
Zürcher Gallery is located at 33 Bleecker Street. Learn more on their website.