On January 11, 2019, Department of City Planning (DCP) Director Marisa Lago, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and Council Member Margaret Chin announced the launch of a public engagement process to inform future planning efforts in the Manhattan neighborhoods of SoHo and NoHo.
Beginning in early 2019 and continuing through this spring, the NYC Department of City Planning (DPC), Manhattan Borough President, and Council Member will convene a series of public sessions to hear from the local community on topics including housing, jobs, retail, and creative industries to inform future planning efforts in the Manhattan neighborhoods of SoHo and NoHo. The next public meeting will take place on June 13, 2019 at 6:00 PM at the Scholastic Building located at 555 Broadway.
In consultation with stakeholders, insights and findings from the public discussions will be distilled into a report. The report will express values and community priorities for the future of SoHo and NoHo. The report, which is expected to be released this summer, will be compiled in direct consultation with an advisory group that includes residents, arts and culture organizations, businesses and property owners, and historic preservation advocates. The advisory group includes:
Broadway Residents Coalition
Cooper Square Committee
Cooper Union
Council Member Carlina Rivera
Landmarks Conservancy
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
Manhattan Chamber of Commerce
Manhattan Community Board 2
New York University
NoHo Business Improvement District
NoHo-Bowery Stakeholders
NoHo Neighborhood Association
NYC Loft Tenants
Real Estate Board of New York
SoHo Alliance
SoHo Broadway Initiative (BID)
SoHo Design District
Speaker Corey Johnson
See DCP’s full Press Release here.
Information about the public engagement process will soon be available and accessible via www.sohonohoplan.nyc.
Additional public meetings will be held: