On Our End:
The NoHo BID Clean Team will be out in the neighborhood shoveling snow to clear crosswalks, as well as clearing catch basins throughout the neighborhood. If you see them out and about, make sure to thank them for their hard work in the difficult weather. 

We strongly suggest signing up for Notify NYC.They will send out notifications when the Snow Alert is lifted and other important information.

We will be posting updates on our social media. For Twitter updates, click here. For Facebook updates, click here.

On Your End:
We ask that our businesses and property owners do their part to clear in front of their properties so that NoHo is safe and accessible.

According to the NYC Administrative Code, every owner, lessee, tenant, occupant or other person having charge of any lot or building must clean snow and ice from the sidewalks adjacent to any part their properties. This includes everybody – residential buildings, commercial buildings, and

Based on the forecast, we expect snow to stop falling between 7 AM and 5 PM, which means you must clear sidewalks within 4 hours

Please click here for the complete NYC Department of Sanitation rules. 

If a DOT Snow Alert is issued, restaurants may be asked to put away tables and chairs on the sidewalk.

On The City’s End:
Check here to see if Alternate Side Parking has been suspended. Citi Bike may temporarily close due to weather, check for updates on their Twitter. If you are travelling, expect driving delays and if using mass transit stay informed with the MTA’s Twitter page.

Before major snow events, DSNY will be out salting the roads to prevent accumulation. Once snow starts to fall, they’ll be out plowing the streets. Check plowing progress here.