Neighborhood NCOs:
Over the last few years the NYPD has been rolling out a new neighborhood policing strategy. The new Neighborhood Coordination Officers (NCOs) are officers assigned to specific neighborhoods or sectors in their precincts and dedicate their time engaging with the local community, getting to know their neighborhood, and serving as direct contacts for residents and business owners to help solve problems in their area.
NoHo is situated in the 6th and 9th NYPD Precincts. The 6th goes west starting on the west side of Broadway and the 9th goes east starting on the east side of Broadway. The NCOs in the 9th Precinct started about a year ago and have already been working closely with the NoHo BID on issues in the neighborhood. We are excited that the 6th Precinct will now have NCOs to serve the east side of our district.
For emergencies still call 911, but if you have ongoing problems you would like the NCO’s in your area to know about, reach out by email or cell phone.

Contact information for the 6th and 9th Precincts:
The NYPD 6th Precinct is located at 233 West 10th Street. Their main phone number 212-741-4806. The Neighborhood Coordination Officers are Gabrielle Alwi (gabrielle.alwi2@nypd.org, c: 917-741-4806) and Shamari Roberts (shamari.roberts@nypd.org, c: 917-371-7226)
The NYPD 9th Precinct is located at 321 East 5th Street and their phone number is 212-477-7811. The Neighborhood Coordination Officers are Claudasher Bonaventure (claudashler.bonaventure@nypd.org, c: 917-808-6467) and
Lisandro Rodriguez (Lisandro.rodriguez@nypd.org and c: 917-376-1409)
NYPD Crime Prevention Resources:
The NYPD Crime Prevention Department is here to help businesses prevent crime from ever happening in their stores. They have a wealth of resources and knowledge. Click here to view resources. Most importantly, however, is the business walkthroughs available. A Crime Prevention Specialist will go to your business and help your adjust the layout of your store, position cameras, and provide other advice to help your store be as crime-free as possible.
Click here to watch the NoHo BID’s October 2021 NoHo Monthly Business Zoom with Officer Michael Ranieri. The password for the recording is LE^tr5yT.