Welcome to the neighborhood, Honeybrains!

The NoHo BID would like to welcome Honeybrains, the world’s first cafe for the mind, to the neighborhood. Stop by it’s Lafayette Street location today!

Location: 372 Lafayette Street

Website: http://honeybrains.com

Their story from their website:

“Honeybrains was sparked by a conversation between three siblings, which evolved into a deeper exploration of the relationship between ingredients, health, and flavor.  One of the siblings is a neurologist who has spent years studying how nutrition and lifestyle affect brain function.  His research became a focal point of their discussion.  Ultimately, this conversation led to the creation of new recipes, and a new experience, with the well-being of people at their core.  Together, they started Honeybrains to translate the most reliable, collective scientific knowledge about brain health – which is intimately related to body health – into enjoyable foods, drinks, and experiences.”