The NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY) has been steadily increasing containerization of trash for NYC. After beginning with businesses, the agency is now introducing a requirement for residential buildings to containerize trash.

Beginning Tuesday, November 12th, all residential buildings with 9 or fewer residences must use trash containers. NoHo has numerous small loft buildings that will have to follow these rules.

This rule only applies to trash, recycling and composting are not included. While you may use any bins 55 gallons or smaller, we recommend using the City’s official bins. They are offered at a discounted rate, have no shipping costs, contain gps tracking capabilities in case they’re lost or stolen, and have a ten year warranty. Additionally, beginning in June 26th, all buildings impacted by this rule will be required to use the official bins anyways, so save money by using them from the start instead of ordering ones that will have to be replaced. Order bins from DSNY here.

We understand that many people have questions. The best way to get those answered is to attend an information session and read DSNY’s page on the article. Click here to access this information. The BID has attended an info session and been researching the rules, and has written up answers to some common questions below. If you need help understanding the rules, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the BID for help.

Common questions include:

Where do I store my bins? It’s up to each building to store bins. If you cannot fit them inside your building, you may keep them within three feet of your building. If you have a storefront business on your first floor, it’s up to you to negotiate outdoor storage with them.

How many bins do I need? DSNY makes no exceptions for holidays, parties, etc. All trash must always fit in a bin, with no exceptions. Any loose bags may result in a ticket. Think about your building’s trash usage, and decide accordingly. For example, if an average unit generates two bags of trash per pickup, and you have five units, you would need capacity for ten bags, plus wiggle room. In this instance, you would need three of the city’s 45 gallon capacity bins, which holds 12 bags.

What about recycling and compost? Composting already uses bins. Under this new rule, you may containerize your recycling if you want, but it is not a requirement at this time.

When do I have to set out bins and bring them back in? Set out times have not changed. You may set out containerized trash beginning at 6:00 PM or later. Bins should be returned to the building as soon as possible after pickup. Extended times on the sidewalk may result in fines.

Who is responsible for setting bins out and bringing them back in? We understand smaller buildings may not have full time building staff. Ultimately, it’s up to each building to determine what works best for them. Some common solutions include having a designated resident who takes care of the bins (you can alternate by pickup date too), working out an arrangement with a ground floor store to have them help, or hiring somebody to manage bins for you.

Are there exceptions? Basically, no. There is a very limited exception – if your building has absolutely nowhere indoors to store them, and storing them in front of your building would block sidewalk clear path to less than three feet, you may be able to get an exception. We don’t believe this applies to any buildings in NoHo.